

卷5 - 2023 | doi: 10.3389 / fclim.2023.1161092


  • 1英国赫里奥瓦特大学碳解决方案研究中心
  • 2日本应用能源研究所



Freer等人的原始研究作品(2022)使用定制模型对三个BECCS案例研究的供应链进行了询问,特别关注了英国BECCS设施选址的供应链排放。接下来是Nehler和Fridahl(2022)的观点,他们提出了改进欧盟对BECCS的监管的理由,特别是允许成员国在其气候义务中使用BECCS的负排放,豁免生物源性二氧化碳泄漏,并消除监管障碍。在他们的综述文章中,Honegger等人(2022)深入研究了二氧化碳去除的治理原则,为政策制定提供信息。它们审查了治理原则的概念、减缓气候变化背景下的国际治理(例如,《联合国气候变化框架公约》的政策制度)、环境完整性、公平分享努力、国家选址和公众参与/审议。他们利用这次审议来探索直接空气捕获的政策考虑因素,并建议“对CDR政策提案不那么全面的观点,只关注技术经济因素,将无法捕捉到这种[相互关联的治理原则]。”Woodall和McCormick(2022)探索了此前在2020年劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室报告(Sandalow等人,2021年)中提出的“Aines原理”的应用,并以副主编Roger Aines的名字命名,指出“在一定的碳[去除]价格下,二氧化碳去除产生的收入将超过特定生物转化过程中能源生产产生的收入”。在两个案例研究中,城市固体废物的门槛为130吨二氧化碳-1美元,一系列液体或氢基燃料转换途径的门槛约为200-400吨二氧化碳-1美元。虽然高度短暂的碳储存(比如不到100年)可能对减排有价值,但它在负排放方面的效用是有限的。正是在这种背景下,自愿补偿市场的参与者正在导航,显然需要考虑购买的持久性。Wenger等人的展望(2022)提出了吨年核算框架作为比较工具。在建筑行业的矿物产品中储存二氧化碳,在现有供应链中提供了一种可扩展的、具有潜在市场价值的载体,至少这是Sick等人(2022)的观点的基础。作者认为,到2050年,数十亿吨二氧化碳的市场价值可能达到1万亿美元左右。The oceans are an important environment within the Earth's climate and offers considerable potential for atmospheric CO2 removal. This potential was explored by a recent report from the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM, 2022), which call for an acceleration of research. Williamson and Gattuso (2022) compliment this with a review of the potential of 'blue carbon' ecosystems (e.g., mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and tidal saltmarshes). While blue carbon ecosystems are important habitats for biodiversity, spatially dense long-term carbon sinks, they have reportedly limited scalability (NASEM, 2019), Williamson and Gattuso (2022) argue that the uncertainty in how these systems accumulate, store, or transport carbon, makes previous cost estimates similarly uncertain.Finally, a two-part contribution considers the potential of geochemical-based NETs. The topic is reviewed in detail by Campbell et al. (2022), presenting an overview of the reaction chemistries, implications for resource availability, kinetics, technology function, novel applications of biotechnology, considerations for life-cycle assessment, and an appraisal of the current state of the field. In Part 2, as perspective, Maesano et al., (2022) present a roadmap for the research, development, and large-scale deployment of geochemical NETs. They highlight bottlenecks to progress including the technical readiness, social license to operate, demand and supply, human capital, and infrastructure. They also consider actions and opportunities to overcome these limitations and propose a set of near-term priorities for research and development.Since 2011, NETs have grown from a fringe interest of the climate change mitigation community, to an integral part of proposals to meet climate targets. Manuscripts contained within this research topic, Insights in Negative Emission Technologies: 2021, offer a broad snapshot of this growing field.



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*通信:菲尔·伦福斯博士,赫里瓦特大学碳解决方案研究中心,爱丁堡,EH14 4AS,苏格兰,英国