作者=麻雀艾琳,Hasso-Agopsowicz Mateusz, Kaslow大卫C。饶,辛格的故事,拉曼、Moredreck赤壁市Makubalo Lindiwe E所剩的。里德约翰·C。、康Gagandeep Karron露丝。,Cravioto Alejandro, Lanata克劳迪奥·F。所罗门,Friede马丁Abela-Ridder伯纳黛特,安东尼·W。,Daniel Argaw Dagne Giersing Birgitte TITLE =利用mRNA平台技术加快发展疫苗对一些新兴和被忽视的热带病通过当地疫苗生产日报=前沿的热带病体积= 3年= 2022 URL = //www.thespel.com/articles/10.3389/fitd.2022.844039 DOI = 10.3389 /抽象fitd.2022.844039 ISSN 雷竞技rebat= 2673 - 7515 = mRNA疫苗技术平台可以使快速反应一些新兴传染病(eid),演示了通过COVID-19大流行。超出了它在未来可能发挥的作用开斋节响应,信使rna技术也可能在加速发展的一个重要的角色,和访问,疫苗对一些被忽视的热带疾病(被忽略),这主要发生在贫困地区。尽管他们巨大的疾病负担,很少有被忽略的疫苗开发,部分原因是不确定的市场和投资回报。此外,技术和管理成功的概率为开发疫苗被认为是低多细胞寄生虫,或生物体复杂机制逃避免疫监视,如许多被忽视的热带病病原体。全球2021 - 2030年的路线图被忽视的热带疾病根除设定了雄心勃勃的目标,消除和控制被忽略。 For some, effective interventions exist but are underutilized. For others, vaccines need to be developed or their use expanded to meet global targets on control and elimination. This article discusses the application of the mRNA technology platform to the development of vaccines for NTDs as well as EIDs, highlights the challenges in bringing these products to the market, and indicates potential areas which could be explored, including leveraging investment for vaccines with a more profitable market potential and enabling local manufacturing in regions where NTDs are endemic. Such regional production could include collaborations with the mRNA vaccine technology transfer hubs that are being established with the support of WHO and COVAX partners.