雷竞技rebat肾脏学前沿|新和最近的文章 https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontier雷竞技电竞体育竞猜平台sin.org/journals/nephrology RSS提要的前沿肾脏学|新雷竞技rebat和最近的文章 en - us 雷竞技rebat前沿Feed生成器,版本:1 2023 - 05 - 22 - t09:20:30.2776659 + 0 60 https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1130672https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1130672外部输尿管的支架和内部双J支架在肾移植:一项回顾性分析泌尿并发症和尿路感染的发病率 2023 - 05 - 16 - t00:00:00z Ietje t Hazenberg 斯蒂芬妮·j·m·Middelkoop Anoek a . e .临死前 朱丽叶·d·Rabbeljee 罗伯特·波尔 本杰明·h·j·Doornweerd Jan-Stephan f·桑德斯 科恩a·斯蒂 <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >介绍泌尿道的并发症(UCs)和尿路感染肾移植后(尿)是常见的。术中支架放置vesicoureteric吻合降低加州大学的风险,但增加泌尿道感染的风险。< / p > < /秒>Methods

In 2014 our stenting protocol changed from external ureteric stent (ES) to internal double J stent (DJ). We retrospectively studied the occurrence of UCs and UTIs in relation to ES or DJ in 697 kidney recipients.


An ES was used in 403 patients (57.8%), in 294 (42.2%) a DJ. ES was removed 7-12 days and DJ 3-4 weeks post-operative. Induction immunosuppression was the same in both groups. Primary outcomes at 6 months follow-up were UC (urinary leakage/ureter stenosis) and UTI; they were related to stenting procedure and clinical and transplant characteristics. The incidence of UCs was similar for ES (8.4%) and DJ (6.8%), p=0.389. ES use was a significant risk factor for UTI (OR 1.69 (1.15-2.50), p=0.008). Post-transplant hospitalization was significantly shorter in the DJ group. Despite more acute rejection episodes with ES (ES/DJ: 16.4%/6.1%, p<0.001), no clinical relevant differences in graft outcomes existed.


A DJ is, compared to ES, associated with a lower incidence of UTIs and comparable occurrence of UCs and is therefore the preferred technique for stenting the vesicoureteric anastomosis.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1181076https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1181076先发制人的利妥昔单抗的随机对照试验,以防止复发性局灶性节段性肾小球硬化症post-kidney移植(PRI-VENT FSGS):协议和研究设计 2023 - 05 - 15 - t00:00:00z 米歇尔·n·Rheault 桑德拉·阿马拉尔 玛格丽特烈性黑啤酒 艾琳蔡钱伯斯 布兰奇Chavers Mireile El发疯 Rouba这样 拉希德Gbadegesin 阿米特高 林赛Harshman表示 Hatem Amer 大卫·k·霍伯 Ajay k .她 萨米利雅得 小泉纯一郎Sageshima 罗恩·夏皮罗 迈克尔•塞弗特 乔迪•史密斯 兰德尔唱 克里斯蒂·p·托马斯 齐王 Priya s Verghese <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >背景局灶节段性肾小球硬化症(FSGS)是一种常见的原因需要肾移植的终末期肾脏疾病,可以发生在同种异体移植物在30 - 80%的受惠者导致减少移植物的生存。血浆置换已经显示出复发的疗效在治疗某些情况下FSGS但血浆置换联合孤立并没有证明在预防复发FSGS功效。美罗华坊间成功在预防复发在一个中心研究但没有血浆置换联合研究结合防止FSGS复发。< / p > < /秒>Methods

We are conducting a randomized, controlled, multicenter clinical trial of adult and pediatric kidney transplant recipients with primary FSGS to assess whether plasmapheresis in combination with rituximab prevents recurrent disease post-transplantation.


Rituximab combined with plasmapheresis is a promising, novel therapy to prevent recurrent FSGS, a disease with limited therapeutic options and no consensus guidelines for prevention or treatment.

Clinical trial registration

https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03763643, identifier NCT03763643.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1071900https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1071900早期肾功能不全和心脏结构和功能的关系在一个人口众多的亚洲人无症状:横断面队列分析 2023 - 05 - 12 - t00:00:00z Pei-Chen吴 Kuo-Tzu唱 Jiun-Lu林 Ta-Chuan挂 Yau-Huei赖 Cheng-Huang苏 Hung-I。叶 Chih-Jen吴 Chung-Lieh挂 <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >背景很少有研究解决早期肾脏疾病和临床心脏结构和功能异常的大型亚洲人口。此外,心肌功能的措施的程度,是否这些协会可能会有所不同,测试各种公式的肾功能不全还没有被探测。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >目的探索肾功能之间的关联,蛋白尿,左心室(LV)结构和舒张功能改变。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >设计横断面,回顾性队列研究。< / p > < /秒>Setting

Registered data from a cardiovascular health screening program at MacKay Memorial Hospital from June 2009 to December 2012.


Asymptomatic individuals.


Renal function was evaluated in terms of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) by both MDRD and CKD-EPI formulas and severity of proteinuria, which were further related to cardiac structure, diastolic function (including LV e’ by tissue Doppler), and circulating N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) level.


Among 4942 participants (65.8% men, mean age 49.4 ± 11.2 years), the mean CKD-EPI/MDRD eGFR was 90.6 ± 15.7 and 88.5 ± 16.9 ml/min/1.73m2, respectively. Lower eGFR, estimated either by the MDRD or CKD-EPI method, and higher proteinuria were significantly associated with lower LV e’ and higher NT-proBNP (all p<0.05) even after adjusting for clinical covariates. In general, lower eGFR estimated by CKD-EPI and MDRD displayed similar impacts on worsening e’ and NT-proBNP, rather than E/e’, in multivariate models. Finally, lower LV e’ or higher composite diastolic score, rather than E/e’, demonstrated remarkable interaction with eGFR level estimated by either CKD-EPI or MDRD on circulating NT-proBNP level (p interaction <0.05).


Proteinuria was estimated using a urine dipstick rather than more accurately by the urine protein-to-creatinine ratio. Also, pertaining drug history and clinical hard outcomes were lacking.


Both clinical estimate of renal insufficiency by eGFR or proteinuria, even in a relatively early clinical stage, were tightly linked to impaired cardiac diastolic relaxation and circulating NT-proBNP level. Elevation of NT-proBNP with worsening renal function may be influenced by impaired myocardial relaxation.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1156346https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1156346血红素的角色oxygenase-1肾脏疾病 2023 - 05 - 05 - t00:00:00z Hongfu翟 利华国际倪 吴小燕 < p >血红素氧合酶(HO),热休克蛋白含有血红蛋白,是一种重要的血红素分解代谢酶。参与细胞内稳态和有抗炎、抗氧化、抗凋亡、免疫调节等功能。它表示在一个适度的水平在大多数正常组织。当身体遭受缺血缺氧、伤害、毒素,和其他疼痛的刺激,表达增加,从而可以改变氧化微环境的抗氧化剂环境促进康复组织损伤。近年来,研究继续验证其价值在各种人类的身体系统。它也被认为是一个关键的目标治疗许多疾病。与发展的研究,在肾脏疾病中的意义已经得到越来越多的关注。它被认为在预防急性肾损伤有显著的保护作用和延缓慢性肾脏疾病的进展。其保护机制包括抗炎、抗氧化、细胞周期调控、细胞凋亡抑制,血流动力学的规定,和其他方面,已被证明在不同的动物模型。此外,作为保护因素,其潜在的治疗效果在肾脏疾病最近成为一个热门的研究领域。 Although a large number of preclinical trials have confirmed its therapeutic potential in reducing kidney injury, due to the problems and side effects of HO-1 induction therapy, its efficacy and safety in clinical application need to be further explored. In this review, we summarize the current state of research on the mechanism, location, and treatment of HO and its relationship with various renal diseases.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1059668https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1059668心脏手术相关的急性肾损伤的影响主要肾脏不良事件1年 2023 - 04 - 24 - t00:00:00z 艾丽西亚莫利纳安杜哈尔 维克多华金Escudero 加斯顿j . Pineiro 阿尔瓦罗·卢卡斯 艾琳·罗维拉 Purificacion Matute 克里斯蒂娜Ibanez说 布拉斯科纳斯 路易斯·f·昆塔纳 埃琳娜·桑多瓦尔市 玛丽娜索桑切斯 爱德华·昆塔纳 埃斯特万Poch <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >背景心脏手术后急性肾损伤的发生率高达30% (CSA-AKI),和慢性肾脏疾病(CKD)的风险被发现在这些病人AKI-free相比更高的人口。我们的研究的目的是评估主要肾脏不良事件的风险,(使)(估计肾小球滤过率下降25%或更多(eGFR),新的血液透析,和死亡)在西班牙队列和评估心脏手术后的效用得分由Legouis D et al。(CSA-CKD分数)在预测的发生。< / p > < /秒>Methods

This was a single-center retrospective study of patients who required cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) during 2015, with a 1-year follow-up after the intervention. The inclusion criteria were patients over 18 years old who had undergone cardiac surgery [i.e., valve substitution (VS), coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), or a combination of both procedures].


The number of patients with CKD (eGFR < 60 mL/min) increased from 74 (18.3%) to 97 (24%) within 1 year after surgery. The median eGFR declined from 85 to 82 mL/min in the non-CSA-AKI patient group and from 73 to 65 mL/min in those with CSA-AKI (p = 0.024). Fifty-eight patients (1.4%) presented with MAKE at the 1-year follow-up. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the only variable associated with MAKE was CSA-AKI [odds ratio (OR) 2.386 (1.31–4.35), p = 0.004]. The median CSA-CKD score was higher in the MAKE cohort [3 (2–4) vs. 2 (1–3), p < 0.001], but discrimination was poor, with a receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) value of 0.682 (0.611–0.754).


Any-stage CSA-AKI is associated with a risk of MAKE after 1 year. Further research into new measures that identify at-risk patients is needed so that appropriate patient follow-up can be carried out.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1148565https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1148565数字医疗技术支持保健和慢性肾脏疾病患者的改善结果:为例说明,Withings工具包健康感应工具 2023 - 04 - 24 - t00:00:00z 伯纳德Canaud 珀斯Kooman 安德鲁·达文波特 大卫·坎波 Eric Carreel 马里昂Morena-Carrere 让·保罗·Cristol < p >心血管疾病(CVD)是一个主要的负担dialysis-dependent慢性肾脏疾病(CKD5D)患者。有几个因素导致了这种脆弱性等传统危险因素包括年龄、性别、生活方式和并发症,非传统的dialysis-induced系统性压力的一部分。在这种背景下,似乎至关重要的将密切注意照顾CKD5D患者心血管疾病监测以确保早期和适当干预改善他们的结果。有趣的是,新的家用,自营、连接医疗设备提供方便和新工具在一个完全自动化的监控和动态模式CKD5D病人interdialytic期间。传感器设备安装WiFi和蓝牙。一些设备也可以在手机版如Withings远程病人监护(RPM)解决方案。这些设备分析数据和结果上传到Withings HDS(混合数据安全)平台服务器。数据可视化可以使用Withings被病人的健康伴侣应用在智能手机上,或者一个web界面。卫生保健专业人员(HCP)也可以想象患者数据通过< /斜体> <斜体> Withings基于web的转接口。在这个叙事的文章中,我们分析的临床潜力普遍可穿戴传感器监测动态透析病人这样的工具包和提供一个评估数字医疗设备市场上目前可用的。 These devices offer a fully automated, unobtrusive and remote monitoring of main vital functions in ambulatory subjects. These unique features provide a multidimensional assessment of ambulatory CKD5D patients covering most physiologic functionalities, detecting unexpected disorders (i.e., volume overload, arrhythmias, sleep disorders) and allowing physicians to judge patient’s response to treatment and recommendations. In the future, the wider availability of such pervasive health sensing and digital technology to monitor patients at an affordable cost price will improve the personalized management of CKD5D patients, so potentially resulting in improvements in patient quality of life and survival.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1176347https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1176347Hedgehog-GLI介导肾形成和畸形的控制 2023 - 04 - 20 - t00:00:00z 迪娜·格林伯格 罗伯特D’cruz 乔恩·l·Lacanlale 克里斯托弗·j·罗文 诺曼·d·Rosenblum < p > CAKUT是儿童终末期肾病的主要原因,包括广泛的表型异常肾和输尿管的发展。发病机理的分子机制CAKUT已经阐明遗传模型,主要在鼠标,人类肾发展的范式。刺猬(Hh)信号是至关重要的正常胚胎发生,包括肾脏开发。Hh信号介导的生理发展输尿管和基质,不良病理生理反应后肾间质,输尿管的,肾原性的血统。此外,Hh中断信号是人类发展障碍病因众多与肾畸形;Pallister-Hall综合征(小灵通)的特点是多样化的光谱变异引起的畸形包括CAKUT和删除的中间三分之一Hh信号效应激活。这里,我们的角色轮廓Hh信号调节小鼠肾脏发展,和回顾人类在Hh信号基因变异患者肾畸形。< / p > https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1056574https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1056574优化腹膜透析导管放置 2023 - 04 - 11 - t00:00:00z Sana f·汗 米切尔·h·Rosner < p >长期腹膜透析作为肾脏替代疗法的成功需要一个运转良好的腹膜透析导管。与持续减少感染性并发症,增加强调导管相关性和机械并发症的影响。目前利用率显著变化的各种类型的导管(双袖和单一的袖口,盘绕提示vs直接提示),导管插入的方法(先进的腹腔镜、开腹手术解剖,图像引导经皮,盲目的经皮),定时的导管插入,导管放置的位置(pre-sternal诉腹部)和peri-operative实践。专门的导管放置方法在临床实践中包括延长导管和嵌入式导管的使用。标志着病人的生活方式偏好的变化及并发症,特别是在高灵敏度患者群体(多囊肾疾病、肥胖、肝硬化)需要个性化的导管放置和护理方法。当前的共识指南建议当地的程序性知识,根据患者的特点,适当的资源来支持导管位置和长期运行。本文着重概述的导管放置方法强调以病人为中心的方法。< / p > https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1108030https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1108030腹膜透析培训长期的优化 2023 - 04 - 06 - t00:00:00z Meltem Gursu 拉里萨Shehaj 俄梅珥Celal Elcioglu Rumeyza Kazancioglu < p >腹膜透析是一个基于家庭治疗晚期慢性肾脏疾病患者。这种方法提供了足够的间隙的尿毒症毒素和去除多余的液体,当适当的透析处方结合病人的依从性。腹膜炎是这些患者中最常见的感染性并发症,可能呈现连续性的治疗。训练病人和他们的照顾者最重要提供适当治疗,防止并发症,包括感染的。发病前的训练方法的治疗相对完善。然而,病人可能打破规则在长期和倾向于走捷径。因此,在后续的培训可能是必要的。没有建立指导方针来指导PD患者的再培训。本文倾向于总结数据文献中关于再培训项目,为此还提出了一个结构化的程序。< / p > https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1138416https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1138416治疗潜在的小说外围地限制CB1R反兴奋剂在糖尿病肾病的进展 2023 - 03 - 28 - t00:00:00z 莱提纱Jacquot Oceane Pointeau 西莉亚Roger-Villeboeuf 帕特丽夏Passilly-Degrace Rim Belkaid Isaline Regazzoni 茱莉亚Leemput 克洛伊Buch Laurent Demizieux 布鲁诺路边 帕斯卡Degrace 格伦火山口 托尼约旦 <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >目的本研究评估的有效性发票- 202,一本小说外围地限制大麻素1型受体(CB1R)反兴奋剂,在体外实验1型糖尿病肾病小鼠模型。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >方法糖尿病在8-week-old诱导C57BL6 / J雄性老鼠通过< /斜体> <斜体>的腹腔内注射链脲霉素(45毫克/公斤/天5天);非糖尿病患者控制收到了柠檬酸缓冲。糖尿病小鼠随机分为3组根据血糖,多尿症,蛋白尿,每日口服剂量28天的发票- 202 0.3或3毫克/公斤或车辆。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >结果发票- 202不影响体重但减少肾脏重量比汽车集团。多尿症影响时发票- 202治疗,尿尿素(控制30.77±14.93;车辆189.81±31.49;发票- 202(0.3毫克/公斤)127.76±20;发票- 202(3毫克/公斤)93.70±24.97毫克/ 24小时)和白蛋白(控制3.06±0.38;车辆850.08±170.50;发票- 202(0.3毫克/公斤)290.65±88.70;发票- 202(3毫克/公斤)111.29±33.47µg / 24 h)排泄减少而vehicle-treated糖尿病老鼠。 Compared with the vehicle group, there was a significant improvement in the urinary albumin to creatinine ratio across INV-202 groups. Regardless of the dose, INV-202 significantly reduced angiotensin II excretion in diabetic mice. The treatment also decreased Agtr1a renal expression in a dose-dependent manner. Compared with nondiabetic controls, the glomerular filtration rate was increased in the vehicle group and significantly decreased by INV-202 at 3 mg/kg. While the vehicle group showed a significant loss in the mean number of podocytes per glomerulus, INV-202 treatment limited podocyte loss in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, in both INV-202 groups, expression of genes coding for podocyte structural proteins nephrin (Nphs1), podocin (Nphs2), and podocalyxin (Pdxl) were restored to levels similar to nondiabetic controls. INV-202 partially limited the proximal tubular epithelial cell (PTEC) hyperplasia and normalized genetic markers for PTEC lesions. INV-202 also reduced expression of genes contributing to oxidative stress (Nox2, Nox4, and P47phox) and inflammation (Tnf). In addition, diabetes-induced renal fibrosis was significantly reduced by INV-202.


INV-202 reduced glomerular injury, preserved podocyte structure and function, reduced injury to PTECs, and ultimately reduced renal fibrosis in a streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy mouse model. These results suggest that INV-202 may represent a new therapeutic option in the treatment of diabetic kidney disease.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1026864https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1026864肾病综合症的原因在瑞典:临床表现的相关性和人口统计数据 2023 - 03 - 17 - t00:00:00z Anneli琼森 托马斯Hellmark 貂Segelmark 安娜Forsberg 卡尔Dreja <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >背景许多病理过程会破坏肾小球毛细血管壁的完整性,造成大量泄漏的蛋白质,导致肾病综合征(NS)。临床参数,如年龄、性别、肾功能,糖尿病,和NS影响底层的频谱是如何定义的疾病。在这项研究中,我们检查这些参数是如何交互的。< / p > < /秒>Methods

Age, sex, hematuria, proteinuria, plasma creatinine plasma albumin levels, and final diagnosis were retrieved for all adult patients with NS as an indication for biopsy and/or massive albuminuria in conjunction with low plasma albumin from the biopsy module of the Swedish Renal Registry (SRR) between 2014 and 2019. A basic calculator was developed to demonstrate the importance of clinical presentation in relation to the likelihood of having a specific diagnosis.


A total of 913 unique patients were included in the study. Diabetic nephropathy (DN) and membranous nephropathy (MN) (both found in 17% of patients) were the most common diagnoses. With a stringent definition of NS, MN and minimal change nephropathy (MCN) increased in proportion. Among the cohort as a whole, MCN was the most frequent diagnosis in women and those < 50 years of age (found in 21% and 17%, respectively). In the case of patients aged between 50 and 70 years, those with chronic kidney disease stage 4, and those with negative dipstick tests for hematuria, the most common underlying disease was DN (in 23%, 30%, and 21% of cases, respectively). Among those with high-grade hematuria (dipstick grade 3 or 4), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis was the most common diagnosis (14%), closely followed by IgA nephropathy (13%). Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (9.7%) was less common than in many comparable studies.


Clinical parameters have a profound impact on the likelihood of different diagnoses in adult patients with NS. Differences in clinical practice and study inclusion criteria may be more important than genetic background and environmental factors when explaining differences between studies in different parts of the world.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1170566https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1170566编辑:透析和老年人的卫生系统 2023 - 03 - 14 - t00:00:00z Dipal m·帕特尔 C巴雷特打保龄球 劳拉·c·Plantinga 伯纳德·g·基列耶琳就寻见 https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1043874https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1043874肾活检的需要的管理目标和免疫疗法的副作用 2023 - 02年- 27 - t00:00:00z 罗伯塔Fenoglio 玛蒂娜Cozzi 朱里奥德尔维奇奥 Savino Sciascia 安东内拉·Barreca·拉斯泰利 亚历山德罗Comandone 达里奥Roccatello <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >介绍引入创新疗法,造成回顾癌症疾病的免疫系统,改变了并发症的情况。这些新类的药物,如靶向疗法和免疫抑制剂检查站,保证重大优势在癌症治疗中,尽管有一些副作用影响各种器官,包括肾脏。组织学评估肾脏疾病引起的目标/免疫疗法是有限的。< / p > < /秒>Method

In this study we examined the histological features of patients treated with new cancer agents who underwent a kidney biopsy for new onset kidney failure and/or urinary abnormalities.


The cohort included 30 adult patients. The most frequently administered therapies were immunotherapy (30%), targeted therapy (26.7%), immunotherapy plus targeted therapy (13.3%), immunotherapy plus chemotherapy (13.3%), targeted therapy plus chemotherapy (16.7%). The most common histological finding was tubular interstitial nephritis (30%) that was associated with acute tubular necrosis in 4 cases, and thrombotic microangiopathy (23.3%). After kidney biopsy, 16 of the 30 patients were treated according to the histological diagnosis. Fourteen patients were treated with steroids. One patient with membranous nephropathy was treated with a single dose of rituximab. A patient with severe thrombotic microangiopathy requiring dialysis received a treatment with eculizumab for 3 months. Overall some renal response was obtained in all patients treated with glucocorticoids, while complete kidney response was achieved in the patient treated with rituximab. Cancer treatment was resumed without change in 21 out of 30 patients.


Kidney biopsy is critical for the management of kidney toxicities and should be strongly encouraged for patients showing adverse kidney effects of novel cancer agents.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1105933https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1105933表征的IgA肾病患者有或没有最小变化有关的疾病 2023 - 02 - 16 - t00:00:00z 世界唯一郭 李俊的太阳 Hong-rui董 Guo-qin王 xiao yi徐 Wen-rong程 Zhi-rui赵 南你们 Yun刘 香港成 <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >免疫球蛋白介绍一个肾病(IgAN)提出了各种各样的临床表现和病理表型。IgAN大约有5%的患者表现为早发性肾病综合症,轻度系膜损伤,弥漫性脚过程抹杀足细胞,像微小病变性(MCD)。这些患者被定义为MCD-IgAN。是否MCD-IgAN是一种特殊类型的IgAN或者只是MCD伴随着IgA沉积仍存在争议。< / p > < /秒>Methods

A total of 51 patients diagnosed with MCD-IgAN at Beijing Anzhen Hospital from January 2010 to September 2022 were recruited. The clinical and pathological characteristics of IgA-MCD were analyzed. Patients with IgAN but without MCD (non-MCD-IgAN) and healthy participants were enrolled as controls. Galactose-deficient immunoglobulin A1 (Gd-IgA1) and complement C3 were detected both in the circulation and in renal tissues.


We found that the levels of serum Gd-IgA1 were lower in participants with MCD-IgAN than in those with non-MCD-IgAN, but higher than in healthy participants. Gd-IgA1 was rarely deposited in the glomeruli of participants with MCD-IgAN, with a positive rate of only 13.7% (7/51); in contrast, the positive rate in participants with non-MCD-IgAN was 82.4% (42/51). Among renal Gd-IgA1-positive patients, Gd-IgA1 and immunoglobulin A (IgA) colocalized along the glomerular mesangial and capillary areas. Interestingly, we found that the circulating levels of complement C3 were significantly higher in participants with MCD-IgAN than in participants with non-MCD-IgAN. In addition, the intensity of C3c in glomeruli in participants with MCD-IgAN was significantly weaker than in participants with non-MCD-IgAN.


Our study suggests that, in MCD-IgAN, most of the IgA that is deposited on glomeruli is not the same pathogenic Gd-IgA1 as found in general IgAN. Complement activation both in the circulation and in the renal locality was much weaker in MCD-IgAN than in non-MCD-IgAN. Our study suggests that IgAN with MCD might be MCD with coincidental IgA deposition.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1133910https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1133910中截止和高通量的影响膜活化凝血时间在血液透析的患者 2023 - 02 - 14 - t00:00:00z 伊莎贝拉佩雷拉卢卡 瑞秋阿玛尼 Aluizio b·卡瓦略 西尔维亚·r·曼 Monique诉罗查大肠席尔瓦 伊拉克b Gratao 莉迪亚席尔瓦 雷纳托渡边 玛丽亚Eugenia Canziani <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >介绍血液和透析膜之间的相互作用增加了血栓形成的风险。在透析膜属性可以干扰凝血激活。肝素通常是用来确保抗凝,可监控的活化凝血时间(ACT)测试。本研究的目的是比较的慢性肾脏疾病(CKD)患者接受血液透析与高通量(高频)和介质截止(MCO)膜。< / p > < /秒> <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >方法这是一个前瞻性,随机,交叉研究的32 CKD患者透析与每个膜为12周。初凝血来衡量行为评估,2日和4日小时的透析会话。在整个研究中,没有肝素的剂量或管理方法的改变。< / p > < /秒>Results

Patients mainly were middle-aged, non-black males on hemodialysis for eight years. Before randomization, ACT values were 132 ± 56, 195 ± 60, and 128 ± 32 seconds at pre-heparinization, 2nd and 4th hour, respectively. After 12 weeks, ACT values in HF and MCO groups were 129 ± 17, 205 ± 65 and 139 ± 38 seconds, and 143 ± 54, 219 ± 68 and 142 ± 45 seconds, respectively. An ANOVA model adjusted and unadjusted for repeated measures showed a significant time but no treatment or interaction effects. In an additional paired-sample analysis, no difference between ACT values of HF and MCO Groups was observed.

Discussion and Conclusion

There was no difference regarding the ACT test during dialysis therapy using HF or MCO membranes. This data suggests that no adjustment in the dose or administration method of heparin is necessary with the use of MCO dialysis membranes.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1123969https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1123969社交媒体在肾脏学教育的演变:一个原子力 2023 - 02年- 13 - t00:00:00z Mythri Shankar 马修·a .火花 < p >社会媒体被定义为“一组基于互联网的应用程序构建Web 2.0的意识形态和技术基础上,允许用户生成内容的创建和交换”。社交媒体可以用在医学教育加强同辈群体和公众之间的知识共享。互联网彻底改变了学习,允许更容易传播的知识并不依赖于印刷和物流的书籍、期刊,或者杂志。雷竞技电竞体育竞猜平台根据2018年的一份报告,95%的学生获得智能手机和45%是网络在任何给定的时间。社会媒体平台是一个强大的工具来传播知识的故事、视频、和教育游戏。正式和非正式的学习可以实现使用社交媒体。微博网站Twitt雷竞技公司er已经成为一个受欢迎的社交媒体平台,许多医学教育包括肾脏学社区。例如,Twitter是用于构建社区,讨论期刊文章,通知社区会议,分享信息图表和原始的视觉摘要研究工作。作为一个例子,它可以让女性在肾脏学难以连接和旅游实际存在。社交媒体的使用允许女性连接通过< /斜体> <斜体>在线研讨会和女性肾脏学(赢得)印度生活Twitter聊天。 Thus, social media can help facilitate networking and collaboration with nephrologists all over the world. Social media has limitations as well. Insensitive posts can have a detrimental effect on one’s career. A survey has shown that increased use of social media can contribute to addiction, anxiety, diminished self-esteem, and even depression. Hence, in order to effectively use social media to contribute positively to one’s career, we recommend considering the positive and negative aspects of social media.This review will discuss the various social media platforms and how they have been applied to nephrology education.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1047249https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1047249分析严重急性肾损伤的危险因素在急性心肌梗死患者:一项回顾性研究 2023 - 02 - 09 - t00:00:00z 宇新侬 Xuebiao魏 Hongrui邱 Honghao杨 佳乐杨 Junquan陆 剑锋曹 Yanbin傅 Danqing余 <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >背景急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者并发急性肾损伤(AKI)往往预后较差。然而,公司的确切机制两种疾病的发生是未知的。因此,本研究旨在确定严重阿基在AMI患者的危险因素。< / p > < /秒>Methods

A total of 2022 patients were included in the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care. Variables were identified via univariate logistic regression, and the variables were corrected via multivariate logistic regression. Restricted cubic splines were used to examine the risks associated with the variables. The Kaplan–Meier method was used to compare the risk of severe AKI among the patients.


Patients with severe AKI had a higher in‐hospital mortality rate (28.6% vs. 9.0%, P < 0.001) and a longer duration of intensive care (6.5 days vs. 2.9 days, P < 0.001). In patients with AMI, the mean systolic blood pressure (SBP); international normalized ratio (INR); the levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN), glucose, and calcium; and a history of liver disease were found to be the independent risk factors for developing severe AKI after their admission. Increased levels of BUN and blood glucose and a high INR increased the risk of severe AKI; however, increased levels of calcium decreased the risk; SBP presented a U‐shaped curve relationship.


Patients with severe AKI have a poor prognosis following an episode of AMI. Furthermore, in patients with AMI, SBP; INR; a history of liver disease; and the levels of BUN, glucose, and calcium are the independent risk factors for developing severe AKI after their admission.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1110704https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1110704在印度肾脏学教育的变化格局 2023 - 02年- 08 - t00:00:00z p·s·瓦里 帕帕里克说 Krithika汉 女儿乌米拉Anandh < p >肾脏学数字工具革新了教育在印度。所有形式的面对面学习正在网上。社会媒体已经在世界各地,与临床医生学习和促进多向教育方法。电子学习是更好地跟上新知识的快速生成和传播。数字多媒体的使用工具来提高快速学习支持的科学,即双重编码理论。Digital tools such as Twitter, blogs, podcasts, YouTube, and Nephrology Simulator (NephSIM) have had an impact in facilitating nephrology education among medical professionals and the general public. Digital tools, such as NephMadness, have resulted in the gamification of nephrology learning. Social media usage by the nephrology community in India is growing at a rapid pace. Everyday Cases in Nephrology (#ECNeph), a monthly Twitter-based discussion focused on academically challenging clinical cases, has its origins in India. The Women in Nephrology, India (WIN-India) initiative is very active in facilitating digital education in India and has, in a short space of time, created phenomenal momentum. Furthermore, non-governmental organizations in India, such as the Kidney Warriors Foundation and the Multi Organ Harvesting Aid Network (MOHAN) Foundation, have successfully tapped into social media to educate and aid kidney disease patients. All technologies come with some drawbacks. Despite their acceptance and validation, digital tools have their own pitfalls. These relate to (1) accessibility and connectivity, (2) accuracy of the scientific information, (3) social media noise, and (4) patient privacy. All pitfalls of digital education can be addressed by avoiding excessive social media overload and adopting an appropriate peer-review process. It is advisable to seek written consent from patients whenever patient data are posted online, to avoid privacy issues.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1071441https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1071441植物的化合物治疗常染色体显性遗传多囊肾疾病 2023 - 02 - 03 - t00:00:00z Jieting张 嘉鑫陈 徐经 程薛 毛治国 < p >常染色体显性遗传性多囊肾病(ADPKD),最常见的单基因遗传性肾脏疾病,是第四个全球终末期肾病的主要原因。近年来,取得了重大进展延迟ADPKD进展与不同种类的化学药物,如tolvaptan、雷帕霉素、生长激素抑制素。与此同时,许多植物的化合物一直在追究他们的有利影响ADPKD进展放缓。其中,saikosaponin-d, <斜体>灵芝< /斜体>三萜,姜黄素,ginkgolide B,斯替维醇,白藜芦醇,<斜体> Sparganum三棱< /斜体>书。火腿,<斜体>冬虫夏草< /斜体>,triptolide、槲皮甙、柚皮苷,cardamonin,藤黄酸,橄榄叶提取物延缓肾囊肿发展发现了通过抑制细胞增殖和促进细胞凋亡在肾cyst-lining上皮细胞。二甲双胍,合成化合物来自法国淡紫色或山羊的街(<斜体> Galega officinalis < /斜体>),已经证明妨碍ADPKD的进展。本文关注植物的化合物在治疗ADPKD的角色和机制,这可能是在未来有前景的新疗法。< / p > https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1114486https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneph.2023.1114486八旬老人与慢性肾病肾脏学诊所:不寻常和non-progressors 2023 - 02 - 01 - t00:00:00z Aida Frias 旧金山Vargas 胡斯托Sandino 拉奎尔Berzal 玛尔塔Rivero 露西娅Cordero 特蕾莎修女Cavero 朱利安·塞古拉 Florencio加西亚 爱德华多·埃尔南德斯 爱德华多·古铁雷斯 皮拉尔Aunon 艾琳Zamanillo 胡里奥·帕斯卡 恩里克·莫拉莱斯 <秒> <标题> < /名称> < p >当前背景慢性肾脏疾病的定义适用于80岁以上的患者增加了肾脏病学会推荐的数量。然而并不是所有的患者可能受益于其评估。本研究旨在分析的进化≥80岁患者肾脏学。< / p > < /秒>Methods

Single-center study including patients ≥80 years old with eGFR <60 mL/min/1,73m2 who were referred to Nephrology consultation for the first time. Clinical and analytical parameters were collected retrospectively 12 months before the visit, and prospectively at baseline, and 12 and 24 months after the initial visit. We divided patients into two groups based on annual eGFR loss: progressors (>5 mL/min/1.73m2) and non-progressors (≤5 mL/min/1,73m2).


A total of 318 patients were included, mean age was 84,9 ± 4 (80-97) years. Baseline serum creatinine was 1,65 ± 0,62 mg/dL, eGRF 35 (28-42) mL/min/1,73, and albumin/creatinine ratio 36 (7-229) mg/g. 55,7% of the patients met the definition of progressor at baseline (initial-progressors), 26,3% were progressors after a 12-month follow-up and 13,4% after 24 months. 21,2% and 11,4% of initial-progressors met this definition at 12 and 24 month follow up. The main risk factor for progression was albuminuria. No relationship was found between the nephrologist intervention and the evolution of renal function among initial non-progressors.


Elderly patients who have stable renal function at the time of referral will continue to have stable renal function over the subsequent 24 months and thus may not need to be referred to a nephrologist.