雷竞技rebat生理学| |无脊椎动物生理学部分新前沿和最近的文章 https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontier雷竞技电竞体育竞猜平台sin.org/journals/physiology/sections/invertebrate-physiology RSS提要的无脊椎动物生理学部分前沿生理学杂志》|新和最近的文章雷竞技rebat en - us 雷竞技rebat前沿Feed生成器,版本:1 2023 - 01 - 13 t23:09:37.5586675 + 0 60 https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1097459https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1097459转录的动态热休克蛋白(休克)和内共生体滴定度对热应力在粉虱,烟(asia i) 2023 - 01 - 13 t00:00:00z Mritunjoy保 Snigdha Samanta 夜莺艾哈迈德 Soumik戴伊 斯瓦特Chakraborty M.G. Deeksha Subham Dutta Arunava Samanta Jayanta Tarafdar Deepayan罗伊 甘薯粉虱< p >, <斜体>烟< /斜体> (Gennadius),是一种粉虱的几个种类复合物目前重要的农业害虫。<斜体>烟< /斜体>寄生于600多个植物物种和在各种温度条件下蓬勃发展。除了造成的直接损失吸植物汁液,它向量几个植物病毒。热休克蛋白发挥关键作用,使昆虫来扩展它的地理位置,在不同的压力条件下生存和繁殖。<斜体> B。烟< /斜体>港口几下内共生体属<斜体> Portiera < /斜体>,<斜体>立克次氏体< /斜体>,<斜体> Hamiltonella < /斜体>,<斜体>沃尔巴克氏体属< /斜体>,<斜体> Arsenophonus < /斜体>,<斜体> Cardinium < /斜体>,和<斜体> Fritschea < /斜体>,直接或间接地影响其健康。通过加速表皮生物合成和sclerotisation共生微生物可以减少或增强耐极端温度和重金属解毒。因此,共生体微生物群落可以扩大或限制的非生物生态位空间主机和影响其能力,以适应不断变化的环境。本研究对热应力对热休克基因的表达的影响和内共生体<斜体> B。烟< /斜体>。 Studies of the expression level of heat-shock proteins with the help of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) showed that heat- and cold-shock treatment fuels the increased expression of heat-shock proteins (Hsp40 and Hsp70). However, Hsp90 was not induced by a heat- and cold-shock treatment. A significant decrease in the relative titre of secondary endosymbionts, such as Rickettsia, Arsenophonus, and Wolbachia, were recorded in B. tabaci upon heat treatment. However, the titre of the primary symbiont, C. Portiera, was relatively unaffected by both cold and heat treatments. These results are indicative of the fact that Hsp genes and endosymbionts in B. tabaci are modulated in response to thermal stress, and this might be responsible for the adaptation of whitefly under changing climatic scenario.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2023.1091248https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2023.1091248果蝇蘑菇体 2023 - 01 - 13 t00:00:00z Suewei林 < p >蘑菇体(MB)是一个计算中心<斜体> < /斜体>果蝇大脑。蘑菇的错综复杂的神经回路的身体使它能够储存联想记忆和处理感觉和内部状态信息。蘑菇体是由不同类型的神经元聚集在开发过程中。巨大的努力已经瓦解的分子和细胞机制构建蘑菇体。然而,我们仍然在这个具有挑战性的任务,与蘑菇的许多关键方面身体组装剩余未开拓的。综述,我提供了一个深入的概述我们目前的理解蘑菇体开发和相关的知识空白。< / p > https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1089669https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1089669在蜜蜂糖感知 2023 - 01 - 13 t00:00:00z 劳拉Değirmenci 法比奥·路易斯Roge费雷拉 Adrian Vukosavljevic 科妮莉亚Heindl 亚历山大·凯勒 迪特马尔盖革 为何公众 蜜蜂蜜蜂(<斜体> < p > < /斜体>)需要好的味觉评价花蜜和花粉的来源。味觉受体(Grs)味觉信号转化为电反应。体内<斜体> < /斜体>实验演示了整个Gr-set集体反应。我们这里解开所有的贡献三个蜜蜂糖受体(AmGr1-3),结合CRISPR / Cas9介导基因淘汰赛,电生理学和行为。我们将会显示一个糖AmGr1受体的频谱扩展。突变体缺乏AmGr1降低蔗糖和葡萄糖反应但不要果糖。AmGr2仅仅充当受体AmGr3 AmGr1但不是的,像我们展示通过电生理学和使用双分子荧光互补。我们的结果显示,首次AmGr2的确是一个功能的受体。有趣的是,AmGr2突变体仍显示wildtype-like糖味道。AmGr3果糖是一种特定受体和受体不是调制。 Eliminating AmGr3 while preserving AmGr1 and AmGr2 abolishes the perception of fructose but not of sucrose. Our comprehensive study on the functions of AmGr1, AmGr2 and AmGr3 in honeybees is the first to combine investigations on sugar perception at the receptor level and simultaneously in vivo. We show that honeybees rely on two gustatory receptors to sense all relevant sugars.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1079328https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1079328筛选和鉴定基因与飞行有关的肌肉组织溶解的板球Acheta家 2023 - 01 - 11 t00:00:00z 应陆 Zizhuo王 范林 (马 姜堰康 育英傅 Minjia黄 卓赵 俊杰张 陈七 Bingzhong任 < p > <大胆>简介:< /大胆>飞行肌肉组织分解,作为一种重要的生存战略,是一个普遍的现象在昆虫和促进适应外部环境在不同的昆虫类群。然而,监管机制这一现象在直翅目仍未知。< / p > < p > <大胆>方法:< /大胆>在这项研究中,飞行肌肉组织溶解在众议院板球<斜体> Acheta家< /斜体>研究转录组和RNA干扰。< / p > < p > <大胆>结果:< /大胆>飞行结果表明,肌肉组织溶解在<斜体>。家< /斜体>是标准和成人蟋蟀羽化后9天内达到高峰,也没有显著差异在高峰时间或形态学男性和女性之间的飞行肌肉组织溶解。此外,之前和之后的飞行肌肉组织分解之间的差异表达基因进行了研究,其中AdomFABP, AdomTroponin T和AdomActin被确定作为候选基因,注入这三个候选人的dsRNA之后,只有表达下调表达AdomFABP导致飞行肌肉组织溶解在<斜体>。家< /斜体>。此外,<斜体>的表达水平AdomFABP < /斜体>之间的比较之前和之后根据RT-qPCR飞行肌肉组织溶解。< / p > < p > <大胆> Disscussion: < /大胆>我们推测<斜体> AdomFABP < /斜体>可能发挥作用在退化的飞行肌肉通过抑制肌肉发展。我们的发现为理解奠定了分子基础飞行肌肉组织分解。< / p > https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1118955https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1118955耐寒性策略和冷冻保护剂的Megabruchidius背的在不同温度和时间压力 2023 - 01 - 11 t00:00:00z Si-Yu陈 Ru-Na赵 你李 何平李 明辉谢 建峰刘 Mao-Fa杨 Cheng-Xu吴 < p >蜂蜜蝗虫(属<斜体> Gleditsia < /斜体>)是一个属高价值的树木在亚洲。种子甲虫,<斜体> Megabruchidius背的< /斜体> (Fahraeus) (Col:叶甲科:Bruchinae),是一个<斜体> Gleditsia < /斜体>寡食性害虫,导致严重的产量减少。理解<斜体> M的耐寒性。背侧的< /斜体>成年人,研究其耐寒性策略和低温的影响在其生理学和生物化学。低温疗法被分为三组:长期适应环境温度(组1;15°C,或20°C,或25°C,或28°C(控制检查,CK) 10天),短期低温暴露(组2;0°C或4°C 2 h)和长期低温诱导(组3;0°C或4°C, 3或5 d)。过冷的点(SCP;温度自发成核和冰格增长开始),冰点(FP; temperature at which insect fluids freeze), low lethal temperature (LLT; temperature at which all individuals are killed), water, lipid, glycerol, and total sugars contents were measured under different temperature stresses. The results showed that M. dorsalis adults were a freeze-avoidant species. The SCP and LLT at 28°C were −10.62°C and −19.48°C, respectively. The SCP and FP of long-term temperature acclimation (15°C, or 20°C, or 25°C) were significantly lower than that of the control group (28°C). The water content of the long-term low temperature induction (0°C) group was significantly lower than that of the control group. The lipid and glycerol content in the acclimated group at 20°C and 25°C were significantly higher than in the control group. M. dorsalis adults may maintain their biofluids in a supercooled state via cryoprotectant accumulation and cryoprotective dehydration to prevent ice nucleation. This study provides a theoretical basis for future research on overwintering and potential distribution and related prediction of M. dorsalis adults.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1091232https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1091232全基因组鉴定和功能分析的非编码rna在卡勒suppressalis揭示其潜在角色chlorantraniliprole阻力 2023 - 01 - 09 - t00:00:00z Shuijin黄 东精 徐路 光华罗 Yanyue胡 Ting吴 姚胡 范李 康他 文晶秦 杨的太阳 回族刘 < p >长非编码rna,称为lncRNAs,执行基本功能在某些生物过程,包括生殖、蜕变,其他重要的生活功能。然而,lncRNAs农药抗性知之甚少,迄今并没有报告哪些lncRNAs特征与<斜体>卡勒suppressalis chlorantraniliprole阻力有关< /斜体>。在这里,RNA-seq进行两种菌株的<斜体> C。suppressalis < /斜体>暴露chlorantraniliprole:一个是感性品系(S),另一个是耐药菌株(R)。总共3470 lncRNAs确定从40573年合并记录在六库,包括1879 lincRNAs 245 intronic lncRNAs, 853 lncRNAs,和493反义lncRNAs。此外,微分表达式分析显示297年和335年lncRNAs调节S R株,分别。差异表达(DE) lncRNAs通常被认为是参与在<斜体> C chlorantraniliprole抵抗。suppressalis < /斜体>。作为潜在的目标,相邻的蛋白编码基因(内& lt; 1000 kb范围的上游或下游DE lncRNAs),尤其是解毒酶基因(细胞色素p450酶类、羧基/胆碱酯酶、酯酶和腺苷结合盒转运体),进行了分析。此外,strand-specific rt - pcr进行确认成绩单取向随机选择20 DE lincRNAs和存在进行了验证8的表达状况。<斜体> MSTRG.25315.3 < /斜体>,<斜体> MSTRG.25315.6 < /斜体>,和<斜体> MSTRG.7482.1 < /斜体>在R调节压力。 Lastly, RNA interference and bioassay analyses indicated overexpressed lincRNA MSTRG.7482.1 was involved in chlorantraniliprole resistance. In conclusion, we represent, for the first time, the genome-wide identification of chlorantraniliprole-resistance-related lncRNAs in C. suppressalis. It elaborates the views underlying the mechanism conferring chlorantraniliprole resistance in lncRNAs.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1054742https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1054742spinetoram和草甘膦对生理的影响生物标志物和肠道微生物Bombus terrestris 2023 - 01 - 09 - t00:00:00z Qi-He唐 糜烂李 Jie-Ping王 Xi-Jie李 丹•李 哲曹 黄气 Jia-Li李 6张 zheng wei王 小君郭 Ji-Lian李 < p >农药中毒的亚致死效应将产生重大的负面影响蜜蜂和熊蜂的觅食和学习,因此得到了广泛的关注。然而,人们很少知道亚致死的生理效应spinetoram大黄蜂和草甘膦曝光。我们不断暴露<斜体> Bombus terrestris < /斜体>亚致死的(2.5 mg / L) spinetoram或草甘膦受控条件下了10天。超氧化物歧化酶、glutathione-S-transferase羧酸酯酶、prophenoloxidaseα-amylase和蛋白酶活动,改变肠道微生物测定理解的影响尚不致命的生理学和肠道微生物农药接触的大黄蜂。亚致死的农药暴露显著提高超氧化物歧化酶活性和显著减少肠道α-amylase活动大黄蜂对glutathione-S-transferase但没有显著影响,羧酸酯酶或肠道蛋白酶活动。此外,草甘膦prophenoloxidase的活动增加。有趣的是,我们观察到这两种杀虫剂对占主导地位的肠道细菌有显著影响,但显著草甘膦主导肠道真菌群落结构的改变,以及减少的相对丰度<斜体> Zygosaccharomyces < /斜体>与脂肪堆积有关。这些结果表明,亚致死的spinetoram和草甘膦不显著影响大黄蜂的解毒系统,但可能影响大黄蜂的健康通过抑制能源收购。我们的研究结果提供的信息暴露在低浓度的草甘膦的亚致死的影响和大黄蜂spinetoram生理学和肠道微生物。< / p > https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1112278https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1112278在入侵物种见解杀虫剂耐药性机制:挑战和控制策略 2023 - 01 - 09 - t00:00:00z Junaid阿里西迪基 Ruidong风扇 希拉纳兹 Bamisope史蒂夫Bamisile 默罕默德·哈菲兹· 甘尼穆罕默德伊姆兰 翳明魏 Yijuan徐 Xiaoyulong陈 < p >威胁国际社会是一个各种各样的潜在威胁,尤其是入侵害虫物种。入侵害虫物种非生物,人类有意外或故意传播到新的地区。其中一个最有效的控制害虫和第一行控制策略是杀虫剂的应用。这些有毒化学物质是用来去除害虫,但它们构成巨大风险的人,动物,植物。大量使用农药管理入侵害虫在当前时代。由于过度使用人工合成化学物质,许多入侵物种已经有了抗药性。抗性发展是失败的主要原因来管理入侵物种。发展出耐药性管理技术需要全面了解昆虫获得杀虫剂耐药性的机制。昆虫使用各种行为、生化、生理、遗传、代谢的方法处理有毒化学物质,从而导致电阻通过连续解毒酶的过度。摄入过多的酶会导致代谢抗性,排毒杀虫剂和渲染这些无效的害虫。 A key factor in the development of metabolic resistance is the amplification of certain metabolic enzymes, specifically esterases, Glutathione S-transferase, Cytochromes p450 monooxygenase, and hydrolyses. Additionally, insect guts offer unique habitats for microbial colonization, and gut bacteria may serve their hosts a variety of useful services. Most importantly, the detoxification of insecticides leads to resistance development. The complete knowledge of invasive pest species and their mechanisms of resistance development could be very helpful in coping with the challenges and effectively developing effective strategies for the control of invasive species. Integrated Pest Management is particularly effective at lowering the risk of chemical and environmental contaminants and the resulting health issues, and it may also offer the most effective ways to control insect pests.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1068543https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1068543三种化学感应的蛋白质参与对寄主植物挥发物的茶绿叶蝉,Empoasca onukii 2023 - 01 - 04 - t00:00:00z 梨纹张 Mingxian赵 Feiruoran Aikeremu Huoshui黄 民生银行你 赵钱 < p >化学感应的蛋白(csp)可以绑定和运输有气味的分子,这被认为是参与昆虫化学感受。在这里,我们调查了三个csp挥发物的知觉<斜体> Empoasca onukii < /斜体>。表达谱表明,尽管<斜体> EonuCSP4 < /斜体>,<斜体> EonuCSP 6 - 1 < /斜体>和<斜体> EonuCSP6-2 < /斜体>广泛表达在头,腿,胸腔和腹部,他们都高度表示天线的<斜体> E。onukii < /斜体>。此外,荧光竞争结合化验显示<斜体> EonuCSP4 < /斜体>和6 - 1绑定亲和力三植物挥发物,暗示其可能参与化学感应的过程。其中,<斜体> EonuCSP6-1 < /斜体>显示相对较高的苯甲醛的结合亲和力。行为分析显示,成年人的<斜体> E。onukii < /斜体>显示明显偏好两种化合物包括苯甲醛。预测的三维(3 d)结构这三个CSP的典型的六α-helices,疏水配体结合口袋的形式。因此我们建议<斜体> Eoun6-1 < /斜体>可能参与host-related挥发物的化学感受<斜体> E。 onukii. Our data may provide a chance of finding a suitable antagonist of alternative control strategies which block the perception of chemosensory signals in pest, preventing the food- orientation behaviors.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1071987https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1071987共生者坐标干细胞增殖、凋亡和肠道共生器官的形态发生stinkbug-Caballeronia共生关系 2023 - 01 - 04 - t00:00:00z Seonghan张成泽 于松浦 哥打Ishigami 彼得Mergaert Yoshitomo菊池 < p >豆虫<斜体> Riptortus pedestris < /斜体>获得特定细菌共生有机体,<斜体> Caballeronia insecticola < /斜体>(<斜体>伯克insecticola < /斜体>),从土壤环境及港口后中肠地区,由数以百计的隐窝。虽然刚孵出aposymbiotic昆虫拥有原始的中肠隐窝与很少或没有腔,殖民的<斜体> C。insecticola < /斜体>触发迅速发展的共生器官,形成扩大和打开隐窝,共生者随后填充腔的腔的成熟隐窝。隐窝细胞过程的发展引发了<斜体> C。insecticola < /斜体>殖民是知之甚少。我们确定的基本机制symbiont-mediated中肠发展通过调查肠上皮细胞的细胞周期。豆虫的肠道干细胞位于地下室和繁殖基地。向上分化肠上皮细胞迁移的上皮细胞层中肠隐窝的发展,诱导肠上皮细胞的细胞凋亡主要发生在提示侧隐窝的,从隐窝和凋亡细胞最终摆脱进入血淋巴。干细胞的增殖率隐窝的底部是低而高凋亡率为观察到地下室提示aposymbiotic昆虫,导致未开发短隐窝。相反,gut-colonizing <斜体> C。 insecticola promoted the proliferation of the stem cells at the base of crypts and simultaneously inhibited apoptosis at the tip of crypts, resulting in a net growth of the crypts and the generation of a crypt lumen that becomes colonized by the bacterial symbiont. These results demonstrated that the Caballeronia symbiont colonization induces the development of the midgut crypts via finely regulating the enterocyte cell cycles, enabling it to stably and abundantly colonize the generated spacious crypts of the bean bug host.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1104929https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1104929生物工程蚕模型表达人类neurotrophin-4与潜在的生物医学应用程序 2023 - 01 - 04 - t00:00:00z 文昌张 Zhiqing李 Weiqun局域网 郝郭 陈冯 风王 Guanwang沈 Qingyou夏 平赵 < p > Neurotrophin-4(请)是一种神经营养因子在维持神经细胞生存中扮演重要角色,调节神经细胞分化和凋亡,促进神经损伤修复。然而,足够的请蛋白质的来源和高效的交付请仍然是一个挑战。本研究旨在表达一个激活人类请在大规模蛋白质基因工程蚕丝绸乳腺生物反应器作为主机。我们发现人类的表达NT-4-functionalized丝绸材料可以促进老鼠HT22细胞增殖与天然丝蛋白相比,并没有明显的细胞毒性观察条件下不同的丝绸材料。重要的是,这种功能丝绸材料能够诱导潜在HT22细胞分化,促进周围神经细胞迁移和神经突的鸡胚背根神经节(DRG)。所有这些结果证明人类请的高生物活性蛋白质生产的丝腺。因此,蚕模型基础上,进一步制备不同的丝绸materials-carrying主动请蛋白具有良好的力学性能和生物相容性将承诺在组织工程中的应用和神经元再生。< / p > https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1093303https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1093303光切除在果蝇单细胞决议及其应用表皮和周围神经系统 2023 - 01 - 04 - t00:00:00z Federica曼卓林 洛克维安托 尼古拉斯Tapon < p >组织包含不同的细胞群,在一起,弥补生理功能单元。一个突出的例子是动物表皮,神经元和non-neuronal细胞混合允许躯体感觉知觉。在周围神经系统(pn),异质的细胞类型之间的紧密协会提出了挑战,当神经和周围细胞的结构和生理贡献需要解剖与合适的精度。基因特异性的工具时,时空控制基因表达并不可用,靶向细胞消融代表了一个相当大的障碍。在这里,我们描述一个有效的方法来克服这个限制,展示其应用的研究区分<斜体>果蝇< /斜体>表皮和pn。这种方法依赖于使用近红外(NIR)飞秒(fs)激光脉冲烧蚀所需的细胞所需的时间。我们展示如何限制photodamage目标细胞诱导其死亡,在不伤害邻近组织或结构。我们验证了我们的方法在<斜体>果蝇< /斜体> pn通过研究photo-ablated神经元的反应,non-neuronal细胞,周围的表皮。不同的细胞行为包括细胞挤压、细胞重组细胞形状变化可以监测体内<斜体> < /斜体>后立即破坏,以及几个小时消融后使用共焦显微镜光学分辨率高。这种方法提供了一种灵活的工具来切除与高精度和研究单个细胞形态反应细胞损失在目标区域或邻近结构。 We anticipate that this protocol can be easily adapted to other model systems and tissues.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1072893https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1072893肠道微生物群对木质纤维素的解构和固氮的幼虫Apriona swainsoni 2022 - 12 - 23 - t00:00:00z Lei张 田壮族 Mengxue胡 Shuwen刘 Daqiang吴 Baozhong霁 < p > <斜体> Apriona swainsoni < /斜体>是一个至关重要的森林害虫在中国盛行。<斜体>的幼虫。swainsoni < /斜体>只生活在树木的树枝,完全依赖木质部营养。然而,目前仍缺乏深入研究肠道微生物群的使用几乎物品木组件提供生物有机大分子生长所需的组件。因此,在这项研究中,metagenome, metaproteome,代谢物的<斜体>。swainsoni < /斜体>幼虫肠道在四段(前肠;中肠;前后肠;后后肠)被multi-omics分析技术相结合,探索相应的肠道微生物群的代谢利用机制的<斜体>。swainsoni < /斜体>。 Firstly, we found that the metagenome of different gut segments was not significantly different in general, but there were different combinations of dominant bacteria and genes in different gut segments, and the metaproteome and metabolome of four gut segments were significantly different in general. Secondly, the multi-omics results showed that there were significant gradient differences in the contents of cellulose and hemicellulose in different segments of A. swainsoni, and the expression of corresponding metabolic proteins was the highest in the midgut, suggesting the metabolic characteristics of these lignocellulose components in A. swainsoni gut segments. Finally, we found that the C/N ratio of woody food was significantly lower than that of frass, and metagenomic results showed that nitrogen fixation genes mainly existed in the foregut and two hindgut segments. The expression of the key nitrogen fixing gene nifH occurred in two hindgut parts, indicating the feature of nitrogen fixation of A. swainsoni. In conclusion, our results provide direct evidence that the larvae of A. swainsoni can adapt to the relatively harsh niche conditions through the highly organized gut microbiome in four gut segments, and may play a major role in their growth.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1090348https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1090348卵黄蛋白原受体基因参与寿命调节Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett)短期高温治疗后 2022 - 12 - 22 - t00:00:00z 郧阳丽安 花边彭 现任杨 晶晶贾 Jinlei李 王阿强 Shuyan杨 Rongjiao郑 Shihao周 < p > <斜体> Zeugodacus cucurbitae < /斜体> (Coquillett)是一种极具破坏力的农业害虫在许多世界各地的热带和亚热带国家和高温通常影响其生存。澄清的影响短期高温<斜体> Z的生存和寿命。cucurbitae < /斜体>,新出现的成年人连续三代(F <子> 1 < /订阅>、F <子> 2 < /订阅>,和F <子> 3 < /订阅>)暴露在25°C, 33°C, 37°C, 41°C,或45°C治疗1 h。这些温度的影响生存和寿命评估使用生物寿命和蛹化率等指标。然后,研究的分子调控机制的寿命<斜体> Z。cucurbitae < /斜体>短期高温处理后,我们暴露了新兴成年人25°C或45°C小干扰rna干扰治疗1 h和使用<斜体>卵黄蛋白原受体的表达< /斜体>(<斜体> VgR < /斜体>)基因的女性学习的效果<斜体> VgR < /斜体> <斜体> Z寿命的基因。cucurbitae < /斜体>。结果表明,存活率、寿命、蛹体重、蛹化率和出现率<斜体> Z。cucurbitae < /斜体>增加温度下降,而雌性后代的性别比例增加。热电阻的女性高于男性。 Interference with the expression of the VgR gene resulted in shortening of the female’s lifespan by approximately 60% after exposure to 25 °C or 45 °C treatments for 1 h, which indicated involvement of the VgR gene in the regulation of Z. cucurbitae lifespan. This study provides a reference to guide integrated control of Z. cucurbitae in high-temperature seasons.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1107045https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1107045检测阿诺定受体G4911E I4754M突变网站和绑定模式分析与RyR肼杀虫剂Galeruca daurica(鞘翅目:叶甲科) 2022 - 12 - 22 - t00:00:00z 郝任 张有限责任 Ruoyao倪 Yanyan李 凌李 Wenhe王 于田 Baoping庞 姚谭 < p >近年来,叶甲虫<斜体> Galeruca daurica < /斜体>内蒙古北方草原的爆发,其管理仍然主要依赖于化学控制使用传统杀虫剂或新颖的行动。该研究旨在确定突变位点与抵抗肼杀虫剂在人口领域<斜体> G。daurica < /斜体>,为杀虫剂的合理选择提供参考,避免肼杀虫剂的耐药性快速发展。我们克隆了阿诺定受体基因的全长<斜体> G。daurica < /斜体>(<斜体> GdRyR < /斜体>),构造三维模型和跨膜区域,基于推导出的氨基酸序列的同源建模。两个潜在的突变位点(Gly4911Glu和Ile4754Met)和等位基因突变频率检测个人的<斜体> G。daurica < /斜体>。此外,绑定模式两个二酰胺杀虫剂(chlorantraniliprole cyantraniliprole)使用分子对接方法分别进行了分析。<斜体>的全长cDNA序列GdRyR < /斜体>(加入基因库号:OP828593)是通过拼接和组装,15399个基点的长度和编码5133个氨基酸。<斜体>的氨基酸相似性GdRyR < /斜体>与其他昆虫鞘翅类之昆虫是86.70% - -91.33%,具有典型的结构特点。 An individual resistance allelic mutation frequency test on fifty field leaf beetles has identified 12% and 32% heterozygous individuals at two potential mutation loci Gly4911Glu and Ile4754Met, respectively. The affinity of the I4754M mutant model of GdRyR for chlorantraniliprole and cyantraniliprole was not significantly different from that of the wild type, and all had non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interactions and π-cation interactions. However, the G4911E mutant model showed reduced affinity and reduced mode of action with two diamide insecticides, thus affecting the binding stability of the ryanodine receptor to the diamide insecticides. In conclusion, the G4911E mutation in GdRyR may be a potential mechanism for the development of resistance to diamide insecticides on G. daurica and should be a key concern for resistance risk assessment and reasonable applications of diamide insecticides for control in future. Moreover, this study could provide a reference for ryanodine receptor structure-based insecticides design.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1068873https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1068873描述的热休克蛋白Tid及其参与应激反应在api cerana监管 2022 - 12 - 22 - t00:00:00z 桂林李 成好张 Hongfang王 Wenli夏 欣宜章 Zhenguo刘 应王 挂著 宝华许 < p > <大胆>目的:< /大胆>各种环境胁迫的影响本地<斜体> api cerana cerana < /斜体>健身在中国引起了强烈的关注。然而,<斜体>的防御反应。cerana cerana < /斜体>不同压力知之甚少。这里,我们旨在阐明监管机制介导的肿瘤的形象光盘(Tid)蛋白质的<斜体>。cerana cerana < /斜体> (AccTid)对压力的反应。< / p > < p > <大胆>方法:< /大胆>我们使用一些生物信息学软件分析Tid的描述。存在,RNA干扰和耐热性检测化验的功能被用来探索Tid在<斜体>的应激反应。cerana cerana < /斜体>。< / p > < p > <大胆>结果:< /大胆> <斜体> AccTid < /斜体>是一个同源基因人类Tid1和<斜体> < /斜体> Tid56果蝇,包含一个守恒J域和属于热休克蛋白DnaJA亚科。<斜体>水平AccTid < /斜体>诱导表达增加下温度上升从40°C到43°C和46°C,和<斜体> AccTid < /斜体>击倒<斜体>的耐热性下降。 cerana cerana, indicating that the upregulation of AccTid plays an important role when A. cerana cerana is exposed to heat stress. Interestingly, contrary to the results of heat stress treatment, the transcriptional level of AccTid was inhibited by cold, H2O2 and some agrochemical stresses and showed no significant change under ultraviolet ray and sodium arsenite stress. These results suggested that the requirement of A. cerana cerana for Tid differs markedly under different stress conditions. In addition, knockdown of AccTid increased the mRNA levels of some Hsps and antioxidant genes. The upregulation of these Hsps and antioxidant genes may be a functional complement of AccTid knockdown.

Conclusion:AccTid plays a crucial role in A. cerana cerana stress responses and may mediate oxidative damage caused by various stresses. Our findings will offer fundamental knowledge for further investigations of the defence mechanism of A. cerana cerana against environmental stresses.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1069391https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1069391干扰orco基因表达影响主机识别Diorhabda tarsalis 2022 - 12 - 20 - t00:00:00z 洪涛陈 优素福露 王阎 Shu-Qian谭 小李刘 王朋史 < p > <大胆>简介:< /大胆> <斜体> Diorhabda tarsalis < /斜体>怀斯是中国的一个重要害虫甘草<斜体>乌拉尔甘草< /斜体>费。行为的甲虫,包括主机位置,产卵选址,自卫,和聚合,是由植物挥发物或昆虫信息素。< / p > < p > <大胆>目的:< /大胆>在这项研究中,口服补液盐鉴定和功能研究orco进行,这些可能导致的发展理解为嗅觉机制<斜体> D。tarsalis < /斜体>。< / p > < p > <大胆>方法:< /大胆>口服补液盐被确定PacBio RS II平台序列成人<斜体> D的天线。tarsalis < /斜体>,探讨了orco dsRNA干扰的功能。< / p > < p > <大胆>结果:< /大胆> 29有气味的受体<斜体> D的候选基因。tarsalis < /斜体>了,代码130 - 479个氨基酸。系统发育树的嗅觉受体由243 8鞘翅目物种的口服补液盐。<斜体> DtarORco < /斜体>,<斜体> DtarOR7 < /斜体>和<斜体> DtarOR26 < /斜体>中明确表达了天线,和表达水平明显高于其他<斜体> Dtar < /斜体>口服补液盐在天线,没有男性和女性之间的微分表达式甲虫。 An odorant coreceptor gene (DtarORco) has characteristics of an odorant receptor family member, the encoded mature protein has a predicted molecular weight of 53.898 kDa, dsRNA L4440 expression vectors were constructed and successfully transformed into ribonuclease III-deficient Escherichia coli strain HT115 DE3. After interference treatment, the relative expression level of DtarORco in D. tarsalis antennae significantly decreased and electrophysiological responses to host localization odor signals significantly decreased. At the same time, beetles lost the ability to locate hosts.

Discussion: The research on its mechanism of olfaction may lead to the development of new control measures that are environmentally friendly.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1052354https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1052354小龙虾的巨型逃脱神经元:过去发现和现在的机会 2022 - 12 - 20 - t00:00:00z Jens Herberholz < p >小龙虾配备两位杰出的神经回路控制快速、刻板的逃避行为。这些电路的核心是两国对巨大的神经元,神经系统并生成横逃脱tail-flips相反的方向远离威胁刺激。< / p > https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1082522https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1082522全面调查和监管功能lncRNAs从事西方蜜蜂幼虫免疫反应Ascosphaera api入侵 2022 - 12 - 16 - t00:00:00z yap你们 自汉代风扇 气长 洁王 Wende张 Zongbing蔡 结果表明太阳 小顾 母校邹 大富陈 鲁伊·郭 < p > <斜体> < /斜体> Ascosphaera api是只蜜蜂幼虫感染真菌病原体,导致白垩病,养蜂行业导致严重的破坏。长非编码rna (lncRNAs)是通用的监管机构在不同宿主-病原体相互作用的免疫防御和等生物学过程。然而,表达模式和监管角色lncRNAs参与免疫反应的蜜蜂主机<斜体>。api < /斜体>入侵仍非常有限。这里,<斜体>的蜜蜂的内脏组织ligustica < /斜体> 4 - 5 -,6-day-old幼虫接种通过<斜体>。api < /斜体>孢子(AmT1、AmT2 AmT3组)和相应un-inoculated幼虫肠道(AmCK1、AmCK2 AmCK3组)是准备和接受深度测序,紧随其后的是lncRNAs识别,分析差异表达lncRNAs (DElncRNAs),和调查竞争对手的内源性RNA(龙头)网络。总的来说,3746年<斜体>。m . ligustica < /斜体> lncRNAs被确定,其中包括78 lncRNAs, 891反义lncRNAs 1893基因间lncRNAs, 346双向lncRNAs, 210 intronic lncRNAs。在4 - 5和6 -组,比较357年、236年和505年DElncRNAs被发现。此外,217年,129年和272年DElncRNAs分别预测通过顺式调节相邻基因<斜体> < /斜体>代理方式,而这些目标是与一系列的相关条款和KEGG途径具有十分重要的意义,如对刺激和Jak-STAT信号通路。 Moreover, 197, 95, and 356 DElncRNAs were observed to target 10, eight, and 21 DEmiRNAs and further target 147, 79, and 315 DEmRNAs, forming complex regulatory networks. Further investigation suggested that these targets were engaged in several key cellular and humoral immune pathways, such as phagosome and MAPK signaling pathway. Ultimately, the expression trends of nine randomly selected DElncRNAs were verified by RT-qPCR, confirming the authenticity and reliability of our transcriptome data. Findings in this current work not only provide candidate DElncRNAs for functional study, but also lay a foundation for unclosing the mechanism underlying DElncRNA-regulated larval immune responses to A. apis invasion.

https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1054769https://www.雷竞技rebatfrontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2022.1054769幼虫flumethrin暴露在杀虫剂对蜜蜂(蜜蜂)工人的发展 2022 - 12 - 14 - t00:00:00z 陈刘 刘晓波吴 Heyan杨 Longtao余 勇张 < p > Flumethrin是一种广泛使用的杀螨剂,但其使用不当往往会导致蜂群残留积累,从而威胁到蜜蜂的健康,尤其是在幼虫阶段。因此,本研究旨在描述的直接毒性flumethrin在蜜蜂蜜蜂(<斜体> < /斜体>)幼虫进行免疫和生物detoxification-related酶和转录组测序确定新出现的潜在影响成年人受到flumethrin在幼虫阶段。结果表明,浓度越高的flumethrin蜜蜂幼虫受到更大的伤害蜜蜂幼虫的生理和新出现的工蜂。当蜜蜂幼虫受到flumethrin浓度高于0.01 mg / L,谷胱甘肽硫转移酶、羧酸酯酶的活动受到影响,和新出现的代谢相关基因的头部蜜蜂接触flumethrin在幼虫阶段被抑制。Flumethrin浓度高于0.1 mg / L显著增加多功能氧化酶含量蜜蜂幼虫,幼虫存活率降低,抑制olfactory-related和antioxidant-related基因的表达水平在新出现的蜜蜂。此外,flumethrin 1 mg / L浓度显著抑制免疫和detoxification-related基因的表达水平在新出现的蜜蜂。这些发现提供了一个全面了解蜜蜂幼虫的响应亚致死的flumethrin毒性和可以用来进一步研究复杂的分子机制在蜜蜂农药压力。< / p >